Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Lazy day

I spent this morning into early afternoon(before I went to work) just lounging around. Actually I watched 4 episodes from season 2 of the x-files. This has always been my favorite and I just felt like lounging in the best way I could think of. I had my wife right by my side and my baby boy yapping most of the way through it. It didn't matter. It's that good. I went to work and on the way heard an excellent piece by Wayne shorter. Tomorrow morning I'm taking out Steph to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. Can it get any better? She likes watching x-files with me, and that is indeed an added pleasure and bonus. Tony is Tony and Liam just aced his spelling test. If Norman Rockwell were still alive, he'd paint me a picture man! Sometimes with all the crap that goes on in the world it's nice to just sit and spin.