Friday, September 09, 2005

Jokes have consequences

Liam and I have had a little ritual of putting things in each others shoes. Normally this is very funny to the giver and the receiver. Not quite so this morning. I came home from work this morning and saw his sneaks' laying by the door. I then went to the table and saw one of his many rubber frogs. Even at that wee hour my synapses were firing. AHAH! I grabbed the frog and crammed it all the way up into the toes of his shoes, so he wouldn't see it while putting it on. This game has become very serious and very tactical. I went up to bed smiling, while at the same time thinking, "I bet he'll be running late for the bus and can't get the frog out". NAH, I didn't cram it that far up. I was right on course.
It seems this morning that he was running late. Mom was outside very quietly asking "Oh Liam, please hurry up" through the door, while walking to the bus. My wife speaks so quietly you can even hear her through exterior steel doors. Do you see where I'm heading with this.
Still no sign of Liam. I heard he did emerge from the house somewhat frazzled and crying. The only word steph says she could make out was "DAD". Oh how cute, he misses his dad so much that he is crying. I'd like to end the story there with this cute and cuddly ending, but I must be accurate and honest. It's kind of like in the movies while someone lays dying and they can only utter one word in their last breath. It takes the rest of the film to figure out whodunit. I'll take the shocking ending out of this story. I was the villain.
If this will be turned into a blockbuster, I will add the happy ending. Our busdriver called Steph to let her know that when he got to school he was fine. She gave him some bubblegum and that seemed to do the trick. I have the feeling that this has not quite ended yet. My little guy is smart and swift. I will be on the lookout for things in my shoes before I put them on, and I can guarantee they will not be squishy frogs.