I'm sitting here with my boy(actually he's in a bouncy staring outside) in the early morning. We're listening to AUDIO VISIONS on XM. I chose this station because it might soothe him and put him into a deep and long sleep. It doesn't seem to be working. When i first connected to the XM, a beautiful song came on that was by Anthony Miles. It was called "Sleep of the Innocents", off of his Songs for Children album. Listen to me calling it an album. Come on gramps it's a CD. Sorry, I come from the old school who still feel a passion for the album's. Anywho, it seemed like a sign that this is going to work. 1/2 hour later he is still wide awake and seems to find the outside really interesting.
Actually you know what?, with this soundtrack in the background, the outside does seem to have a certain draw to it. The light is slowly creeping into the day and the birds have just started singing. If this keeps up I'm going to have to go grab the Anne Murray collection and do it right. I don' t think so.
Actually Anne Murray(I hope it's Anne not Ann) will always hold a place in my memory. The year is 1991. I show up at my Aunt's house to pick my wife up after they threw her a bridal shower. We ended up staying for hours after everyone left. I remember cold michelob's and slow dancing with my wife to Anne Murray. I was with my future wife, my favorite aunts, ice-cold Michelob's,and Anne Murray. It was a night I will never forget and i thank my family for saving this for me.
As always LIFE IS GOOD!