The other day I was lounging around holding little Tony, when I asked liam to massage my feet. I told him I would give him $1 for 10 minutes. He said "How long?". I said "well how about three hours?". In about 15 seconds he said, "hey that's $18". I think that was pretty quick thinking for an 8 year old.
Speaking of feet; We both have this little ritual of sticking things in each others shoes. I'll get ready to leave for work and try to step into my shoes, only to find out they have been filled with gushy creatures or golf balls. He'll be hiding around the corner and then point at me with an "AH-HA, GOTCHA". I always think that I can outdo him. The other morning crawling into bed, I almost leaped out of my skin. He put his lifesized gushy bull-frog in the middle of my side. Don't worry folks, vengeance is mine and I will have my day. "HA-HA"