Even though I oppose the death penalty at times, and at times I want it installed(totally wishy-washy Charlie Brown), I have to admit I wanted it for ERR(Eric Robert Rudolph). I try not to be too political or let you know what side I'm on. And I'd like to try for once and let things not bother me. But these type of individuals burn me up one side and straight down the other.
Nutjobs who take innocent lives to meet their agendas have no place in my world. I can still remember the day that the Oklahoma city bombing happened. Why would this happen?? I'm not interested in why did this happen? Seeing that picture of the firefighter carrying off the limp,lifeless body of an infant was too much for my human heart to handle. I'm disgusted in any type of terrorism. To go to an extent of taking an innocent life is unconscionable.
I don't care what ERR has to say for himself, or if he shows no remorse. He is a coward, and should be put down.
I'm sorry this is so dark, but as a human being with morals attributed to cosequences, I feel obliged to write my feelings down.
In my life every coward I have seen from Columbine to TWTC, has made me feel for victims, their families and everyone else on that downward spiral into WHY?, WHY?, WHY????.
I pray for peace.