Well it's been a week since my last post. We did find our stroller.It's the first stroller that we looked at before we began our buying odyssey into infant retailers.
I have been feeling a little tired lately. I think it's due to our vacation and then the massive shopping spree in Greenville, S.C.. I know the one thing it's not due to, Lyme disease.
When we lived back in New England, it seemed the doctors answer to any ailment was lyme disease. I came down with a summer cold(which I caught from a co-worker, not a tick), went to the doctor and , after I told him what it was, he insisted I had lyme disease. He put me on medication immediately and ordered blood tests. While taking this medication, I was to avoid all contact with the sun.
Now this was in the summer. Imagine seeing a guy mowing his lawn in 90 degree heat, with longpants, a long shirt and a cowboy hat.
The real kicker was when I took our 13 year old chihuaha to the vet, because her hind legs were useless, and we thought she had a stroke. Guess what the vet's diagnosis was. Yup, you guessed it-Lyme disease.
I don't want to sound like the medical establishment in New England was made up mostly of quacks. My blood test came back negative, almost the time when I was to take my last pill. Maybe it was just being cautious, or paranoid. All I know is I'm starting to get a little more energy now!