Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Ox's Tale

Watched AN OX'S TALE, which is a documentary on JOHN ENTWISTLE. In my opinion the greatest rock bass player. The WHO were who they were and where they got that signature sound because of this man.
I got to see him perform with his solo project back in 1985(I believe) at The Living Room in Providence, RI. It was one of those shows that, for a lover of all things musical, come once. I even got to shake his hand as he walked through the crowd after the performance. Just to let you know, it is extremely rare to meet anyone after a performance, let alone stroll through the crowd on your way out. I think that the fans in Providence let him know just what we thought of him and he was returning the favor in his own gesture.
Some may scoff and say "Oh big deal!", a musician walked through the crowd and you got to shake his hand. Shiver me timbers!!! To those I say, it was a big deal and another memory and absolute treat for me.
And for those who still don't get it, put on QUADROPHENIA or WHO'S NEXT, crank it up and begin to understand.