Saturday, January 14, 2006

A new taste of chocolate

Our new addition to our clan has arrived. His name is Samson(Sam,of course,for short), and he is a beautiful Chocolate Lab puppy. Every boy must have a dog, so this is really for Liam. But I think the puppy and Steph have formed a bond. It's good for all.

Tony has yet to figure out what this strange creature is all about. It's about the same size as him when he is crawling about, so I guess they see each other as adversaries. Sam doesn't play with his toys, he plays with Tony's. Tony doesn't play with his, he plays with Sam's. You get the picture.

This morning they were both intent on Sam's rubber chew ring. Tony would go off crawling with it and Sam would follow and take it out of his hand. Tony wouldn't cry, he would just follow Sam, wait for his moment, and take it back. Little Tony doesn't take crap from anyone. This went on for about ten minutes. Hey for Sam that's a long time(in dog years).

Just went to check on Sam and he is asleep by the door with his chin on my boot. I think it's safe to say we've bonded as well.