Spent today, with my good friend Phil, gutting the kitchen to make way for the new cabinets and appliances we are going to install. I bought a 5-gallon bucket of primer so Steph and I can begin the painting tomorrow.
I'm personally waiting for my favorite season-FALL. I can picture myself out on the deck observing the "grounds" in all that crisp weather. I hope it's crisp. Sometimes mother nature ignores my season and blends Summer and Winter together with no crispness. Oh the humanity of it all!!!!!
I've met some neighbors and they seem real nice. I also bought some cookies today from a door-to-door salesman. Well, actually he was about 12, but he suckered me right in. He's pretty good to get anything from the ole' tightwad himself. Well it seemed a good cause, so what the hey!
Time to go watch The Honeymooner's. Over and out.