Well, I've gone and done it. With steph's new mini-van that is. We are so careful when we take it out. We make sure we park miles away from any human or machinery contact. If someone parks right next to us, which seems to be the case most of the time with this metal magnet, we check to see if they left a ding or scratch on our vehicle.
To get on with the story, I, who is the infallible driver(hey, I always brag how on my job I drive heavy machinery all night without ever an incident), put not only a scratch or a ding, but both!!
This happened while I pulled into the garage. I knew I was cutting it close(I even mentioned out loud that I was) but I still went ahead with the docking process. You could hear the scrape along the wall as if it was playing through our speaker system in the van. I said "oh *#!%. Steph jumped out and looked at the front quarter of the ship. I though she was going to breathe a sigh of relief and then shake her fist at me. Instead she said something similar to my outburst, but longer. She didn't shake her fist at me either.
She disappeared inside, leaving me to carry in the baby and the other items we had to carry in. Imagine the nerve!?!?
I looked at the damage and I almost threw up. I felt my knees buckle and held myself up before I put anymore of my insignia on the van. I made it through without at least denting it. I wasn't about to do that with my skull. I was sure steph would appreciate that, and somehow forget the whole event. She did..........Eventually.
Many thanks to Honda for including the touch-up paint they gave us when we purchased the van. How did they know!?!?
We were out today looking at land with our new agent. She asked me how I liked the van. I went on to tell her of the main event on Saturday. She saw the humor in the story(why can't my wife see it!?!?). Of course Steph had the last laugh when she informed me of my much developed ignorance when she said "YOU KNOW, SHE WORKS FOR OUR LANDLORD!!"