I saw this statement on the back of a kiss tour shirt back in the late 70's, and it made me laugh. Well, after last night's Steve Vai show at the Orange Peel in Asheville N.C., I wasn't laughing anymore. I bought ticket's for myself and Phil, my good friend, last month. Now Phil is 54 and I am 37, so before the show I asked him laughingly if it would be too loud for him. To my major surprise it was too loud for even me ("the louder the better"). I asked Phil, on the way home, if it was too loud for him but I couldn't hear his answer.
Don't get me wrong, it was an incredible show with musicians who are into what they are playing. It was just too loud. Man, do I feel old!!!!!!
On a softer note, today is my son Liam's 8'th birthday. He is truly a gift from God and not a day goes by that I don't realize this. Happy birthday little buddy.
I have another gift arriving next month. The stork will bring us another boy named Anthony. Can't wait. Of course I'll probably want to take that back in 2 months, Just Kidding.
The moral to the top of this entry is if it's too loud, it's just too loud!